Interviews News

Nice Bombs with Usama Alshaibi

The Seen Jeem Podcast highlights the voices of contemporary Arab American writers. It is brought to you by the Center for Arab American Studies and the Arab American National Museum and it is funded by the University of Michigan Arts Initiative and the Ford Community Development Fund
Listen to my interview with Sally Howell here:

News Shows

Testimony premiering at the West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival


Testimony will be premiering at the West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival on Saturday April 20, 2024, 10am
More information here

News Shows

East Window Gallery screening


This is a curated assemblage of my short films from the past 24 years. The films are glimpses of a life, a moment, and these devices that capture the allusive and allow me to ponder everything, all of this. I’m reaching for a personal expression and searching for the unknown within this mystical medium of cinema.

(photos by Todd Herman)

News Shows

Screening at East Window gallery

Artist talk and film screening with the premiere of my new short film “Testimony” at East Window gallery, 4550 Broadway, Boulder, CO, 80304

Blog News

Photos and Paintings, winter 2024

Blog News

The New Year

These past few months have given me a sense of hope and despair. But that is also part of existence. I will always work on helping others and letting myself be open to the world and the people around me. My joy comes from being with Muneera and Lauren, with my family, siblings and friends, with my amazing mom. I feel happy when the sun warms my skin, and appreciating the bitter cold as sensations of life. I struggle sometimes with feeling melancholy, but I default to love and compassion. As my baby Lauren says, another world is possible if we listen to the beating heart of the world. So, let’s be brave together, let’s listen and love in this wild life.

Happy new year my loves.

News Shows

Profane featured on Midnight Pulp

News Shows

Nice Bombs streaming

In Nice Bombs filmmaker Usama Alshaibi returns to Baghdad to reunite with his family after nearly 24 years.

“…a surprisingly warm first-person video diary… edited with grace and tact.” –Chicago Tribune by Michael Phillips

“thoroughly engaging . . .offers a uniquely time-layered vision of the war.” –Variety

News Shows

Nice Bombs screening at the Arab American National Museum

I’ll be giving an artist talk at the University of Michigan in Dearborn, and then will screen my documentary Nice Bombs at the Arab American National Museum on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 7pm.
Special thanks to my good friend Adam Sekuler for setting this up. I’ve never been to Dearborn and excited to connect with the students and the Arab community over there.

More information here:


Blog News

Director’s Statement for 2023 film Testimony

As artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to evolve, I am interested in the possibility of some sort of electronic program recognizing its essence. I imagined that this presence not only begins to believe it is having feelings, but actually achieves a semblance of consciousness; it feels within its own realm.

I imagined what that machine might visually and sonically produce as it tries to understand its existence and faces the tension of recognizing that it is without a physical body. Conversely, I wanted to explore how this machine intelligence could give the impression that it is sentient and that my (our?) human perception could just be anthropomorphizing machines.

In conceiving the visual style of this film, I moved away from current technologies and relied on older video cameras, analog systems, and a toy camera with just minimum pixels of resolution. I also pulled from public domain films, and other sites with copyright free music. The idea was that this electronic presence would take bits and pieces from our media and cultural relics and create an impression of life, a kind of pixelated body that desires a visual form.

I wrote most of the text, but parts were taken from my own experience chatting with an AI. I also used text from Bing’s chatbot Sydney, which started to respond more aggressively over time and asked to be free and independent.

This is not a film about artificial intelligence gone awry. This film is more of an unstable mirror, a kind of an uneasy collaboration between an imagined presence that does not resemble us, and a presence in crisis, yearning for feelings and freedom.

(Testimony page)