News Shows

The Desire will have a physical screening in Australia

Our film The Desire will have a physical screening at the Revelation Perth International Film Festival 2020 in Australia. Click here for info:

News Shows

Dandelion Movie on

Many years ago I made a short video with my daughter Muneera. I describe it this way: One take with no editing or music. A natural cinematic experience is created and seen: a moment alone with dandelions, a struggle for the camera, a shift from father to daughter in point of view and philosophy.

Curators Jamie Jenkinson and Amy Dickson are featuring Dandelion Movie with other works as part of their program present(s) on

How can the present be valued/prioritised/lived in creative practice? present(s) is a selection of videos that appear to favour this temporality, featuring: Zara Joan Miller, Alex OB, John Seth, Jessica Karuhanga, Nicky Hamlyn, Lydia Ourahmane, Jesús Ascanio, Sarah Harbridge, Usama Alshaibi, and co-programmers Amy Dickson and Jamie Jenkinson.

News Shows

The Big Bear audio story

News Shows

The Desire premieres at the 27th Chicago Underground Film Festival

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We are proud to announce that our film The Desire is an official selection at the 27th Chicago Underground Film Festival. Single tickets start at $10 and the full program can be found here: Ticket prices go up after Halloween so snag one sooner rather than later.

Watch here: The Desire (by Talia Watrous and Usama Alshaibi) plays November 22nd for Shorts Program 14

News Shows

American Arab playing October 5th

This film program is part of the annual Arab Festival in Washington, supported and led by the Rachel Corrie Foundation

News Reviews

Cinema-19 in Filmmaker Magazine

In the brisk, 43-minute anthology film, Cinema-19, a group of experimental filmmakers respond to the coronavirus pandemic with diverse and imaginative results. The films are all 190 seconds long and, say the curator/organizers, filmmakers Usama Alshaibi and Adam Sekuler, “do not attempt to summarize the pandemic, but instead focus on the personal, the political, the sensual, the distant, the abstract, and the absurd.” 
Read more

Interviews News

Westword Magazine on CINEMA-19

“At some point in the middle of summer, with protests against police brutality and the conflicts on the streets in the United States, we questioned if we even needed a film program like this,” admits Alshaibi. “But I believe we do need artistic expressions and documentation during a historical time like ours. There is no singular narrative of what we are going through, but we are definitely going through a transformation collectively — and all these films are trying to make sense of our strange and dark days. In the end, I think there is hope…there has to be.”

Read more:

News Shows

Cinema-19 Streaming

Filmmakers Respond to COVID-19

Presented in Association with
Anthology Film Archives
Northwest Film Forum
Zeitgeist Theatre & Lounge

Filmmakers In Order of Appearance:
Courtney Stephens
Kalpana Subramanian
Usama Alshaibi
Scott Cummings
Lori Felker
Matt McCormick
Eman Akram Nader & Alex Megaro
Christin Turner
Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa
Kelly Gallagher
Sarah Ema Friedland
William Brown & Mila Zuo
Amir George
Adam Sekuler

News Shows

The Pandemic and Cinema-19

Filmmakers Usama Alshaibi and Adam Sekuler announce CINEMA-19, a collection of 190 second short films commissioned in response to COVID-19.

The films in CINEMA-19 do not attempt to summarize the pandemic, but instead focus on the personal, the political, the sensual, the distant, the abstract, and the absurd.

With new works by Sarah Ema Friedland, Matt McCormick, Kalpana Subramanian, Christin Turner, Mila Zuo, William Brown, Kelly Gallagher, Lori Felker, Courtney Stephens, Scott Cummings, Amir George, Eman Akram Nader, Alex Megaro, Mehrnaz Saeedvafa, as well as the two commissioning artists; Usama Alshaibi and Adam Sekuler.

The films are presented in association with Anthology Film Archives (New York), Zeitgeist Theatre and Lounge (New Orleans) and Northwest Film Forum (Seattle), who will serve as promotional and presentational partners.

The films will be available for a free public viewing on Vimeo beginning on August 19th.


Independent Iraqi Film Festival plays my Baba Boom Boom

تتبع العراق: سينما الموجة الجديدة

٢٢ أغسطس| ٨:٣٠ م بغداد| ٦:٣٠ م المملكة المتحدة.
العرض على موقعنا الرسمي

يستعرض برنامج الأفلام القصيرة الأول في المهرجان بعنوان “تتبع العراق: سينما الموجة الجديدة” الحياة داخل العراق من وجهة نظر مجتمعاته المتنوعة والأساليب الإبداعية لصناعة السينما في البلاد. وفي هذا الإطار، يصور فيلم “سبيّة” (٢٠١٩) للمخرج العراقي ضياء جودة امرأة يزيدية في وادي أحد الجبال شمالي العراق. أما فيلم “لم تكن وحيدة” (٢٠١٩) للمخرج العراقي حسين الأسدي فيسلط الضوء على صلابة وقوة تحمل النساء العراقيات الريفيات؛ حيث يصور امرأة تعيش مستقلة في أهوار العراق ولها طريقة عيش مميزة مع بيئتها. وعلى العكس من ذلك، يأخذنا المخرج العراقي أسامة الشيبي في فيلمه القصير “بابا بوم بوم” (٢٠١٦) إلى قلب المدينة حيث نستمع إلى موسيقى أغانٍ شعبيةٍ من العراق يؤديها والده ذو الشخصية المميزة، كما نتأمل في التقاليد الشفوية الثرية للثقافة العراقية. ويأخذنا فيلم “رؤوس ناطقة” (٢٠١٩) للمخرج العراقي حيدر جهاد إلى البصرة حيث يسلط الضوء على طموحات ورغبات الشباب الحالم بحياةٍ أفضل

Tracking Iraq : New Wave Cinema
22 AUGUST 8:30pm IRAQ 6:30pm UK
Watch on:

The first shorts programme in the festival, Tracking Iraq: New Wave Cinema, explores life within Iraq from the vantage points of its diverse communities, as well as the innovative techniques of filmmaking throughout the country. Dhyaa Joda’s Sabeya (2019) portrays a Yazidi woman in the valley of a mountain in northern Iraq. Hussein Al-Assadi’s She Was Not Alone (2019) also sheds light on the resilience of rural Iraqi women, documenting an amusing woman living alone in the marshes of southern Iraq, who has an interesting way of living with her animals. Conversely, Usama Alshaibi’s experimental short film Baba Boom Boom (2016) takes us to the heart of the city, where we listen to folkloric music from Iraq performed by Alshaibi’s characterful father and meditate on the rich oral traditions within Iraqi culture. Haidar Jehad’s Talking Heads (2019) takes us to Basra, where it sheds light on the ambitions and desires of young men as they dream of a better life.